May 14th/11
..... her endurance
She participated in a kickathon at taekwondo. It was awesome! Everyone did as many kicks as they could do in one hour, to raise money for BC Children's Hospital. Jaymi & Gina together, did over 2,000 kicks. She was so exhausted afterwards.
The kickathon raised over $900!
May 16th/11
..... her dedication to her interests
Jaymi has been learning about cats (her favourite thing right now) by reading lots of cat fact books. She has read about how to train your cat to be walked with a harness and leash, and is determined to teach Cookie (our Savannah cat).
May 17th/11
..... her friends
It was Bring a Buddy Day at taekwondo class, so Jaymi brought Connor :)
May 18th/11
..... her ability to have fun in the midst of not-so-happy times
We stayed at the Ronald McDonald House in Vancouver, for our one-night stay in Vancouver this week (Jaymi's first post-op MRI this year). She LOVED the house!
May 19th/11
..... her enthusiasm
Jaymi is such a great traveller. She loved walking around on the ferry deck (coming home from Victoria) and looking at the anchor, the ocean foam, the waves, and the dock. She was fascinated by everything.
May 20th/11
..... her carefree-ness
We had a fun downtown day (after a week of stress!) - Booster Juice & a Cobs treat, Value Village, and some playing outside in the sprinkler for the first time this season!
May 21st/11
..... her ideas
She has been doing a lot of reading up on how to train a cat to be walked on a leash, and we agreed that she could try to train Cookie. This picture is Cookie's first walk - she didn't do too badly!
May 22nd/11
..... her influence on me
Going for a walk with friends, from church to a restaurant for lunch. Jaymi suggested that we walk instead of drive.
I love it when she pushes me to do something that is good for me.
May 24th/11
..... her fitness
Practicing a form at taekwondo.
She is so strong and fit right now - I love seeing it.
May 25th/11
..... her unique tastes
Making a snack of graham crackers and almond butter.
May 26th/11
..... her generosity (sometimes)
We gave away some Canucks Jeans Day posters that were leftover from our fundraiser. The kids were thrilled to win these, especially with the Canucks doing so well in the Playoffs!
She is still learning to be generous, but sometimes it just pops out of her. She was glad to make some kids at the school happy, by giving these away.
May 28th/11
..... how she's not afraid of healthy things in treats.
Jaymi loved these zucchini cupcakes with maple cream cheese frosting and sprinkles :)
May 29th/11
..... her love for animals
We went to the Pet Expo on the weekend. It was so fun! Tons of cute pets to see (we SOOOO wanted to adopt a cute little Abysinnian kitten or a teeny Sphinx kitten), free stuff to get, draws to enter, and fun!
Jaymi's big love right now is animals...cats especially. She just loves everything about them, and plans to work at an animal shelter when she grows up.
May 30th/11
..... her resilience
I have no idea (and neither does Jaymi) where she got this black eye. It's obviously half-healed by now, and it's funny - it looks like she has makeup on when I look at her.