Thursday, February 17, 2011


I have found photos from February 6th and 8th (I thought I had missed those two days).  And I also have the continuation of my 365 of things I appreciate about Jaymi, now going through her recovery from surgery.

Feb. 6/11
...her love for animals
Jaymi has always been an animal lover.  She especially loves cats.  She always has.  When we saw this Sphinx cat in the mall, we had to check it out.  Our family has always been interested in the Sphinx cat, but has never seen one in person.

Feb. 8/11
...her love for carbs ;)
If she could, Jaymi would live off of pasta and bread.  Those are two of my favourites as well. :)

Feb. 14/11
...her love for family
In the hospital, she could have laid there forever, having someone read to her.  She literally listened for hours!

Feb. 15/11
...her drive
She wanted to get out of that hospital, and she finally did.  She was so happy to be leaving, a few days later than we (and the doctors) had expected.

Feb. 16/11
...her craftiness
She has been busy since she's been home, because although her body has to stay still much of the time, her mind still needs to keep active.  She has been doing things like reading, making bracelets & necklaces, colouring, playing on the computer (Webkinz World), playing card games, and making things out of felt.

Feb. 17/11
...her concentration

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