Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Break

I missed another day for my 365 project - March 17th.

Mar. 18/11
.....I love her pure child fun.

Mar. 19/11
.....I love her faith.
We are celebrating Lent right now, and she is having so much fun colouring in her Lent calendar.
She is also earning jellybeans in a jar for various Lenten behaviours (making a sacrifice, good deeds to others, patience, good manners, doing chores without being asked, etc.) which she will get to eat at Easter.
And she has also been learning about the stations of the cross, remembering what Jesus did for us, and how hard it must have been. 

Mar. 20/11
.....I love her inspiration.
Once in a while, she becomes inspired...passionately do something that she thinks is fun.
When I told her she was going to learn how to mop, she did amazing!  She mopped the entire first floor of our house (without any help), then went on to Windex everything in sight (glass tables, windows, appliances, banisters, light switches, kitchen chairs, and more), and she also vacuumed a whole staircase and we had to stop her from cleaning, to go to bed!

Mar. 21/11
.....I love her appreciation of money.
She is gradually learning what it means to have and spend and save money.
She is not good at saving ... at all.  But she is definitely good at knowing what is too expensive and what is a good deal.
She loves to shop at thrift stores, and this pictures shows a few of her good finds recently.
She got the hairband, the fuzzy colourful cape, and the two stuffie Webkinz mice at a thrift store.  She was thrilled! 

Mar. 22/11
.....I love her ability to entertain herself.
I love that she can sit down and read for hours.
She is also getting better at finding something to do when she is bored, without complaining like crazy first. 

Mar. 23/11
.....I love her love for the outdoors.
She forgets sometimes, but once she is outside, she remembers that she loves it.  She loves to swim in the summer, play in the snow in the winter, and ride her bike whenever.

Mar. 24/11
.....I love her varied interestes.
Today we bought a kit that taught her what an archaeologist does.  She had to use tools to scrape away at a plaster egg that had a dinosaur buried inside it.  Even though it was very hard to do this little project, she wanted to do it right away, and she kept going at it (with Mark's help) when it got difficult. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 15th & 16th

Mar. 15/11
..... I love her awareness of her body, and her intelligence about it.
We have always tried to teach Jaymi that when you're full, you stop eating.
You can always put leftovers away for later, and it doesn't make sense to eat until you make yourself feel sick.
We have raised her this way, and I love that she will stop eating something that she really likes (like ice cream, cake, chocolate, etc.) if she gets full halfway through!

Mar. 16/11
..... I love her love for us.
Jaymi is very affectionate and she is always giving out hugs and kisses to us.  She asked me to marry her the other day, and I had to wear a ring and everything.  She loves to cuddle up with us, and I know that she will never wonder how much we love her.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Feb. 9/11
..... I love her sense of humour in her fashion.
Jaymi loves to pretend that an inanimate object is alive (just about ANY object - a cloud in the sky, the food on her plate, a fork, a dustball...anything!) and she loves clothes where inanimate objects are saying something, or have cute little faces.  This is a newer favourite of hers - the macaroni noodle with the cheese (two of her favourite foods - pasta and cheese) that are soulmates.

I missed the 10th of Feburary.

Feb. 11/11
..... I love her collections.
This is Jaymi's collection of germs.  Actually, they're called giant microbes and she loves to play with them.  Since I'm going to tell you their names, I have to explain the first one (on the left).  It's called the Pox, but it's other name is Syphilis. LOL ;)
We found it in a thrift store, and it was only $1.50 or something.  She thought it was so adorable, and those stuffed germs are so hard to find.  She had her own money and begged me to let her buy it, so I did.  She doesn't really know anything about that one, except what I have told her.  That is, that is a private disease and it isn't one that we take just anywhere (like school). ;)
Anyway...from left to right, they are:
syphilis, red blood cell, the flu, strep, t.b., polio (the grey one), the common cold (the blue one), algae (the green one with all of the faces), and the neuron (brain cell).

Feb. 12/11
..... I love her ability to recover quickly.
Wow - it's hard to believe that she had brain surgery 1 month ago!  She is back to school full time now, back to ballet this past weekend, and no need for physiotherapy or occupational therapy (not at this point, anyway).  She amazes me.

I missed Feb.13th.

Feb. 14/11
..... Her ability to entertain herself.
Love that Slinky!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Getting back to normal

Feb. 7/11
..... her playfulness

Feb. 8/11
..... her variety of interests
We have always encouraged Jaymi to do whatever she is interested in, and have never tried to limit her options.  For years, when she was younger, she was obsessed with construction, and later on, the movie Cars - not the typical things that other girls are interested in.
Lately, she is really loving two classes - ballet and taekwondo.  I love that she has these two active interests.  She loves the energy, the exercise, and the fun of taekwondo, and she loves the gracefulness, the quiet, and the beauty of ballet.
I hope she keeps these two interests for a long time.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fun Week!

Mar. 1/11
..... her love for games

Mar. 2/11
..... her interest in learning 

Mar. 3/11
..... her connections with people 
We were lucky enough to receive a visit from "the squirrel" from qrok.  The lead singer/songwriter of the band that does all of the Camp Qwanoes music offered to visit Jaymi, after hearing about her recent surgery.  He not only visited to chat, but he sang a bunch of songs as well, brought some free CDs for Jaymi, a tiny silver cross, and a special "Jaymi broadcast" made just for her!
Although she was her typical, quiet, non-verbal (in front of new people) self, she was thrilled.

Mar. 4/11
..... her spontaneity
Jaymi loves to learn, and I love to teach her.  So we are always looking for ideas of new and exciting topics to study.  We decided one day, that it would be so much fun to study chocolate!
So we did.
She has learned how chocolate is made from cacao beans and we have made our own chocolate as well.
She has charted our opinions on various types of chocolate, and explored how it tastes, smells, feels, looks, and sounds.
We have re-read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, along with some great worksheets to go with the book.
And we ended with some 'chocolate math', which involved division of a sectioned chocolate bar, and reviewing fractions, and of course, eating the chocolate.