Feb. 9/11
..... I love her sense of humour in her fashion.
Jaymi loves to pretend that an inanimate object is alive (just about ANY object - a cloud in the sky, the food on her plate, a fork, a dustball...anything!) and she loves clothes where inanimate objects are saying something, or have cute little faces. This is a newer favourite of hers - the macaroni noodle with the cheese (two of her favourite foods - pasta and cheese) that are soulmates.
I missed the 10th of Feburary.
Feb. 11/11
..... I love her collections.
This is Jaymi's collection of germs. Actually, they're called giant microbes and she loves to play with them. Since I'm going to tell you their names, I have to explain the first one (on the left). It's called the Pox, but it's other name is Syphilis. LOL ;)
We found it in a thrift store, and it was only $1.50 or something. She thought it was so adorable, and those stuffed germs are so hard to find. She had her own money and begged me to let her buy it, so I did. She doesn't really know anything about that one, except what I have told her. That is, that is a private disease and it isn't one that we take just anywhere (like school). ;)
Anyway...from left to right, they are:
syphilis, red blood cell, the flu, strep, t.b., polio (the grey one), the common cold (the blue one), algae (the green one with all of the faces), and the neuron (brain cell).
Feb. 12/11
..... I love her ability to recover quickly.
Wow - it's hard to believe that she had brain surgery 1 month ago! She is back to school full time now, back to ballet this past weekend, and no need for physiotherapy or occupational therapy (not at this point, anyway). She amazes me.
I missed Feb.13th.
Feb. 14/11
..... Her ability to entertain herself.
Love that Slinky!
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