Tuesday, June 7, 2011

May 31/11
..... I love her school
I love that her class is small (not this small, however - almost half of the class was away for the picture that day).
I love her amazing teacher!
I love that her school encourages the grades to look out for each other and care about each other.

June 1/11
..... her love for dance
Jaymi's end-of-the-year ballet recital was last week.
At the dress rehearsal she begged to stay and watch the whole thing, and like last year, loved every minute of it.  She was so disappointed, in fact, that she couldn't watch the first half from the audience seating (she had to be back stage until her own performance in the first half).  But she did watch the second half with me, and loved every single dance.

June 2/11
..... her age
I love that we can go biking together and she can keep up now.

June 3/11
..... her self-control
This was Jaymi's first time ever, having cotton candy.  Yes, there are certain things we don't let her have, like pop, most hard candy, sugary cereals, and pure candy things like cotton candy.  So we had agreed, for her school fun fair last week, that she could have cotton candy.  We let her have the whole bag to munch on and she loved it.  What I liked the most however, is that about 3/4 of the way through the bag, she got full, handed it to me and said she was done.  I love that she regulates herself and listens to what her body tells her.

June 4/11
..... her sense of humour with fashion
Jaymi loves shirts that pretend inanimate objects have a personality, or feelings.  This one in particular is a piece of paper and a pencil who love each other.

June 5/11
..... her love for books
When Jaymi found this Special Edition of Warriors (her favourite series right now) at the library, she was so excited.  It's over 500 pages long and she started reading it immediately - as soon as we walked out of the library.

June 6/11
..... her natural beauty
Yes, I know, I'm biased.  Of course I am!  But I do think that my daughter is beautiful and this is my new favourite picture of her.  It has become hot enough recently to put a fan in her room for nighttime, and I had forgotten to take a 365 picture yesterday.  She was in bed reading, so I snapped this photo of her with the fan blowing in her face.  I love the result!

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