Friday, July 29, 2011

July 16/11
..... I love her toughness. 
Jaymi got to be in the parade for Langford Days in July, with her taekwondo school.  It rained pretty hard that morning and it was still raining (although, barely) during the parade, but this group didn't care.  They walked through the whole parade, soaked by the end, but wearing t-shirts, no jackets, and no umbrellas!  So many of the other groups were huddling under umbreallas or with hooded jackets protecting their heads from the sprinkling rain.  Not my kid - she's tough!

July 17/11
..... I love her endless imagination.
We bought a new garbage can and before I knew it, she was begging to play with it before we began to use it.
It was hilarious to see this blonde ponytail flopping around at the end of a rolling garbage can.
She had the best time with it!

July 18/11
..... I love the 'girl' things I can share with her.
When she asked me to blow-dry her hair recently, after a bath, she asked me how to keep her hair from flipping up at the ends.  She likes her hair very flat and straight.  
I found myself teaching her (while lying in bed) how to flip her hair from one side to the other, and smooth it down, so that it doesn't bunch up at her neck.  
It's fun to teach her 'girl' things. :)

July 19/11
..... her good reasons
Jaymi attended an SPCA summer camp last week - a full day, week-long camp.
She loved it so much.
But even more, she loved a couple of cats that were up for adoption.  She begged us to adopt one of these cats.
But these aren't just everyday, cute cats.  They were the ones she felt that no one will adopt because the kids even called them "ugly".
One cat had one ear.
And one cat was born with brain damage.  His brain has trouble with the message the tells him where the floor is, so he stumbles a lot.
But get this - here was her completely serious reason for why she should adopt him.
She said, "we have kind of the same thing in common - with the brain.  And I can help him because I understand."
How's that for a good reason for adopting that cat?

July 20/11
..... her compassion for animals.
In SPCA camp her group learned a lot about animal testing, and the companies that do it.
She is constantly checking products now, and telling us all about the companies we have to boycott and the ones that are okay to buy from.

July 21/11
..... her simple interests
I love how something simple like an inflatable oblong exercise ball (that cost us 50 cents) was the source of so much fun last week (and still is)!
She found a ton of different things to do with it!

July 22/11
..... the spot in her heart for her daddy.
When he says yes to dancing with her, or doing one of her made-up games, or watching a performance of hers, she just lights up.  She loves him so much, especially when he does something that an adult doesn't usually do (like dancing on the front lawn).

July 23/11
..... I love how everyday things can be exciting when you change one thing.
We found this 2-person tent for $2 at a garage sale and it made everything so much fun for Jaymi!
She wanted to eat dinner in there, start a club in it, play with the kitten in it, eat freezies in it.........

July 24/11
..... the way she's growing up
No, I hate that she's growing up - way too fast!  But, sometimes I look at her and I just love how she's growing up so beautifully.

July 25/11
..... her consistency with what she care about.
She has been amazing with this new kitten, Socks.
And she insisted on helping him out by comforting and holding him during his vet visit for vaccinations.
I know that she had a hard time doing this, because she doesn't like watching any animal get hurt AT ALL.  But she did it!

July 26/11
..... her sense of humour (again)
Jaymi had a playdate with a friend (at our house) and they were outside playing together.
Suddenly, my doorbell rings and I open it to be faced with this - a walking, giggling garbage can.
This went on quite a few times.  They thought it was hilarious, and especially when they walked around and bumped into things.

July 27/11
..... how well she plays with her friends

July 28/11
..... her friends
She has such a variety of friends, and she plays with them all so differently.
Some are quieter, some are louder.
Some are leaders, some are not.
Some like to play "doggie" or "cats", some like to colour, and some like to bounce or build forts.

July 29/11
..... her willingness to stop for a picture once in a while.
I've been taking pictures of Jaymi since she was born, so of course, she's sooo used to me snapping pictures of her.  And I like the fact that if I ask her to stop for a second and look over at the camera, usually, she will.

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