Thursday, January 5, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Dec. 1/11
..... her cuddliness
Yes, Socks is cuddly, but Jaymi is so cuddly as well.  She is always willing to give a good hug & kiss.

Dec. 3/11
..... how she never tires of interacting with Socks.
He has a reindeer hat and collar.
In fact, he has a few little cat outfits now.  Jaymi loves to have him choose something to wear.
He's not too bad with it either, compared to most cats.  He puts up with it...walks around and doesn't freeze and fall over like Cookie does if we put something on her.
Except hoods.  Socks does not like hoods.  If he has a hood on, he'll walk backwards to try to get out of it.

Dec. 4/11
..... her interest in charities, especially for animals.
For a long time, Jaymi has wanted to be involved with the SPCA, especially as a job when she grows up.
Whenever the SPCA has a workshop, a camp, or an event, she wants to go.
So of course, we HAD to go to the SPCA Pet Photos with Santa!

Dec. 6/11
..... her interest in taking photos, like me. :)
She has decided to do a 365 Project of Socks.
She will take a photo every day for 1 year, of Socks, and we even have a website that she wanted to start.  I'll post when it's ready to go online.
Please be sure to give her photos comments, if you like them!

Dec. 8/11
..... her constantly changing style.
She generally wears pants right now.  She doesn't like skirts anymore.
But when we were trying to choose a Christmas outfit, she insisted that even though she doesn't like skirts anymore, she needed to get a skirt for Christmas events, because she always HAS worn a skirt for Christmas every year, she needed to keep the tradition.

Dec. 11/11
..... her patience
Usually I wouldn't say that Jaymi has patience, but at The Bethlehem Walk (an event where a church makes the whole interior to seem just like Bethlehem would have been in Jesus' time) and the wait to get in was about an hour long - maybe more!  She did wonderfully!

Dec. 14/11
..... her love for (most of) my baking.
She had fun helping me make fudge for the first time, and of course, tasting the ingredients and the finished product too.

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